Alice and I became friends while still living in Tokyo. I was working as a biochemist engineer, and Alice was a fashion buyer in the luxury industry.

We both faced challenging moments in our mental health journeys. In search of relief, the only solution offered to us involved heavily addictive medications, which merely masked the symptoms rather than addressing the root causes. What changed everything was when I first discovered psilocybin. It felt like an accelerated therapy in a single afternoon.

Our personal experiences have convinced us that introducing mushrooms into people’s lives can pave the way for a post-anxiety generation.

At BIEN, we are dedicated to reshaping the mental health landscape and envisioning a future where humanity is more aligned, compassionate, and ultimately happier.

— Suzanne Khan, BIEN Co-founder & CEO

Co-founding team.

Suzanne Khan

CO-founder & CEO

Co-founder Suzanne Khan

👩‍🎓 Biochemist engineer.
👩‍💻Product development expert.
🌎 Worked in Paris, Tokyo and Singapore.
💙 Family, my sweet BF & besties.
Obsessed with skies, croissants and surfing.​

Alice Policand

CO-founder & CMO

Co-founder Alice Policand

👩‍🎓 Master in Business.
👩‍💻 Luxury 360 Marketing Specialist.
🌎 Worked in Paris, Tokyo and London.   
💙Sun on my skin, books & techno music. 
Obsessed with raccoons, kombucha & pilate.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Feel free to book a call with us or message us.

The Mutual Recognition of Goods Act

Psilocybin truffles are 100% legal in the Netherlands where BIEN is based and can be shipped to any EU country under the Mutual Recognition of Goods Act.

This EU law allows legal importation from one member state to another, regardless of legality in the importing country.

No, it’s actually the opposite.

The risk of addiction to psilocybin, the active ingredient in our microdose, is minimal at 0.2%. For comparison, the risk for SSRIs is 44%.

Ongoing research is currently exploring psilocybin as a potential treatment for substance use disorders. Nevertheless, it’s always important to monitor your relationship with it.

No, the level of psilocybin in a microdose is minimal, making it suitable for daily use.

All of our microdoses are pre-measured (1g) to avoid dosage errors. It’s always safer to start with a low dose and gradually increase it over time as your confidence grows.

We will guide you in finding your ideal dose for entering the flow state.

Yes, microdosing at work, when done at the recommended dose, can be a great asset.

It can enhance stress management, focus, and problem-solving abilities.

We advise against combining the two.

If you’re considering tapering off or are concerned about potential interactions with your medication, please consult our medical consultant, Dr. David Garcia Padron, or your own doctor.

Yes, multiple experts suggest it can be beneficial for people with ADHD or ADD, as microdosing improves focus and flow state.

Please speak with our medical consultant, Dr. David Garcia Padron, or your own doctor, especially if you are already undergoing treatment.

There’s no perfect time to start as almost every moment can be the right time.

The key is to be in a good mental state and open to change when starting a cycle.

We offer a range of products, including those containing psilocybin, like PEACE in the Chaos, and others without psilocybin, containing only lion’s mane, such as FOCUS in the Chaos.

All our products provide benefits, but if you are hesitant about microdosing, we recommend starting with the FOCUS in the Chaos gummies.

We ship within the European Union with a high success rate.

For our EU customers, we offer a delivery guarantee: if your order does not reach its destination, we will send you a new one.

BIEN in the press.