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12x Mexicana Psilocybe Microdoses


1.3€ per day

Our prescription for anyone seeking personal growth without overthinking about when to reorder.

Subscribe and:

-> Save up to 20%
-> Stay consistent with your cycles
-> Cancel anytime

Every two-month delivery includes:

-> 12x Mexicana Psilocybe Microdoses (=2 packs of PEACE in the chaos)
-> BIEN Companion App
-> Access to Best Practice Microdosing Library
-> 15-Minute Online Consultation
-> BIEN Hotline
-> Exclusive Events
-> Access to members’ exclusive deals

Guaranteed Delivery

Free shipping from 50€
in the EU

Compliant with EU Mutual
Recognition of Goods

Subscribe for consistency.

It’s no news. Self-care is consistency.

BIEN can help you build new habits for a healthier and more self-aware life. Day after day, cycle after cycle.

Subscribe to our offer and stay consistent to accumulate long-term benefits over time.

Save up to XX%, access exclusive deals, and in the meantime check off “ordering BIEN” from your to-do list.


Key ingredient: Mexicana Psilocybe Sclerotia​

The Mexicana Psilocybe is a mushroom strain most effective to promote calm, reduce stress, enhance clarity and boost focus.

You will receive our microdoses in their natural underground sclerotia form, also known as “truffles”. They offer increased microdosing accuracy and are packed with more nutrients than in any other form.

Our microdoses are organic and locally grown in Alphen, Netherlands, always following EU standards.

Potency without compromise.

Suitable for






Suitable for
everyday use






Support for modern struggles.

Enjoy the benefits of microdosing without experiencing any altered conscious state.
Feel like yourself, but on a very good day.

Full guidance for your BIEN journey.

Photo of onboarding call

Onboarding call

We offer a free online consultation to answer any questions and check if BIEN is right for you.

BIEN companion app

Our companion app provides guidance at every step of your BIEN journey: from onboarding and access to a library of contents to establishing your daily microdosing rituals.

Photo of 7/7 messaging hotline & community​

7/7 messaging hotline & community​

DM us any time throughout your journey if you have questions. We also have a dedicated exclusive space for all our Shroomies to share their experiences.

How to take PEACE in the chaos.



Remove the dose from the stripe.

Mexicana Psilocybe Microdoses



Swallow or chew with a glass of water in the morning.



Use the BIEN companion app as part of the ritual to set intentions, journal, and access a full library of content.

We follow Dr Fadiman's Protocol.

The most researched existing protocol on microdosing.

-> Just remember 2-6-2: take one microdose 2 times a week for 6 weeks.
Then 2 weeks off. Then you can start again.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7








6 weeks on

2 weeks off


Any doubts before starting? Call us.​

As every individual’s journey is one of a kind we offer online consultation services.

For any medical-related concerns, we highly recommend booking with our doctor, who is dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance tailored to your needs.

24 hours on BIEN.

Here’s a typical microdosing day with BIEN.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Feel free to book a call with us or message us.

Yes, truffle sales are legal in the Netherlands, where Bien Health is based, regardless of the dosage.

Bien can also ship its products within the EU. However, the rules and regulations of your country will apply once the shipment reaches you.

No, the level of psilocybin in a microdose is minimal, making it suitable for daily use.

All of our microdoses are pre-measured (1g) to avoid dosage errors. It’s always safer to start with a low dose and gradually increase it over time as your confidence grows.

We will guide you in finding your ideal dose for entering the flow state.

No, it’s actually the opposite.

The risk of addiction to psilocybin, the active ingredient in our microdose, is minimal at 0.2%. For comparison, the risk for SSRIs is 44%.

Ongoing research is currently exploring psilocybin as a potential treatment for substance use disorders. Nevertheless, it’s always important to monitor your relationship with it.

Yes, microdosing at work, when done at the recommended dose, can be a great asset.

It can enhance stress management, focus, and problem-solving abilities.

It’s generally recommended to start on a day without social obligations. It’s advisable to begin with a smaller dose of 0.5 grams (half a pre-dose) and gradually increase it over the next week to see how your body reacts.

We provide a detailed guide for the first day, and all of our clients have an onboarding call before starting microdosing.

We advise against combining the two.

If you’re considering tapering off or are concerned about potential interactions with your medication, please consult our medical consultant, Dr. David Garcia Padron, or your own doctor.

Yes, multiple experts suggest it can be beneficial for people with ADHD or ADD, as microdosing improves focus and flow state.

Please speak with our medical consultant, Dr. David Garcia Padron, or your own doctor, especially if you are already undergoing treatment.

There’s no perfect time to start as almost every moment can be the right time.

The key is to be in a good mental state and open to change when starting a cycle.

While it’s possible to microdose and drink alcohol, we don’t recommend it.

Alcohol can diminish the beneficial effects of microdosing and act as an “alcohol-booster”, making you feel tipsy faster.

If your aim is to reduce your alcohol consumption, we have created a specific guide, “Reducing Alcohol with BIEN”, to assist you on your journey towards sobriety.

To maintain the potency of fresh truffles, store them in the refrigerator.

Sealed, they will remain good for up to two months, and once opened, for one week.

Keep them in a cool, dry, and dark place to minimize the risk of rot or reduction in their psilocybin content.

Avoid freezing and keep the strips in their packaging to prevent moisture absorption.

We ship within the European Union with a high success rate.

For our EU customers, we offer a delivery guarantee: if your order does not reach its destination, we will send you a new one.